DCHM: Harry Potter Family Book Club
Selected date Tuesday November 27
Selected time 4:00 PM  –  6:00 PM


Harry Potter Family Book Club

November 27; 4 pm

$15 per person, $12 per Member; includes Harry Potter: A History of Magic exhibition admission at 5 pm

For families with children age 14 and under


Tuesday, November 27; 4 pm Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


Whether you are a family reading or re-reading Harry Potter, join us to discuss the world of Hogwarts in these book club meet ups based on Pottermore’s Wizarding World Book Club. We’ll dig into themes such as friendship, competition, rebellion, and power; and we’ll share all we know about wandlore, magical creatures, and wizarding careers and more! The afternoon will include lively conversation with prompt questions from Pottermore Ponderings, such as “Harry Potter is famous but what makes him noteworthy?” Families will also get to take some fun book swag home, and after book club can head into Harry Potter: A History of Magic.


For additional Harry Potter family book club dates, click here


Category Quantity Price (Member discounts are applied after signing in on next page)